Leaping Lilies Day Nursery is proud to announce their new Partnership with Dr Christiane Fisher to launch its new exciting innovative Teaching and Learning Programme:

Click To View Our Most Recent Ofsted Inspection!

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Crescent/Junction Road
Essex, CM14 5JR

Come And Have A Look At Our New Building!

Why Choose Us?

What Makes Leaping Lilies Special

Rich Learning & Play

All children have access to a wide variety of stimulating activities - art & craft, music, topic / interest tables, stories, cooking activities, nature study etc. Freeplay occurs at intervals during the day when use is made of the larger equipment, table-top activities, sand and water, role play materials etc.

Large Enclosed Garden

The nursery has a large enclosed garden. Our garden is separated into two sections to ensure the babies and younger children have an allocated space to access at all times. There is also a free flow creative area allowing the children to explore a variety of crafts outside.

Spacious Facilities

Within the Nursery, we cater for children aged 3 months to 5 years.

We have 3 Baby Rooms, 2 Toddler rooms and 2 Pre-School rooms and all rooms are very light, bright and spacious with air conditioning throughout.

Quality and Excellence

The settings Nursery Manager has a wealth of experience and knowledge within the childcare sector and has achieved a Level 3 in childcare. We also employ an Assistant Manager, Room Managers, and a vast number of experienced Nursery Practitioners. We ensure that the training and understanding of staff within our nursery is at the highest level in order to guarantee that we deliver a curriculum consistent with most children achieving and, in some cases, exceeding, the Early Learning Goals by the end of the Foundation Stage.

What We Offer

From trips to the Forest to Dance and Yoga

Parent's Noticeboard

More information coming soon

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