Leaping Lilies Day Nursery is proud to announce their new Partnership with Dr Christiane Fisher to launch its new exciting innovative Teaching and Learning Programme:
All children have access to a wide variety of stimulating activities - art & craft, music, topic / interest tables, stories, cooking activities, nature study etc. Freeplay occurs at intervals during the day when use is made of the larger equipment, table-top activities, sand and water, role play materials etc.
The settings Nursery Manager has a wealth of experience and knowledge within the childcare sector and has achieved a Level 3 in childcare. We also employ an Assistant Manager, Room Managers, and a vast number of experienced Nursery Practitioners. We ensure that the training and understanding of staff within our nursery is at the highest level in order to guarantee that we deliver a curriculum consistent with most children achieving and, in some cases, exceeding, the Early Learning Goals by the end of the Foundation Stage.